Genera List
Click the link(s) below to go to a Genus page.
- Taeniophyllum
- Taeniorrhiza
- Tainia
- Tainiopsis
- Takakiara
- Takulumena
- Tamayorkis
- Tanakara
- Tanara
- Tapeinoglossum
- Taprachnis
- Tapranthera
- Taprobanea
- Tapvandachnis
- Tapvandera
- Tateara
- Taurantha
- Taurodium
- Teagueia
- Telidezia
- Telipogon
- Telisterella
- Templeara
- Tenranara
- Teohara
- Tetrabaculum
- Tetrabroughtanthe
- Tetracattleya
- Tetracyclia
- Tetradiacrium
- Tetragamestus
- Tetrakeria
- Tetralaelia
- Tetraliopsis
- Tetrallia
- Tetramicra
- Tetrarthon
- Tetrarthron
- Tetrasychilis
- Tetrathechea
- Tetratonia
- Tetronichilis
- Teuscheria
- Thaia
- Thaiara
- Thayerara
- Thecopus
- Thecostele
- Thelasis
- Thelybaculum
- Thelychiton
- Thelymitra
- Thelyrillia
- Thelyschista
- Theocostele
- Thesaera
- Thompsonara
- Thorntonara
- Thouarsara
- Thrixspermum
- Thulinia
- Thunia
- Thunilla
- Thuniopsis
- Thwaitesara
- Thysanoglossa
- Ticoglossum
- Tipularia
- Toladenia
- Tolassia
- Tolguezettia
- Toloncettia
- Toluandra
- Tolucentrum
- Toluglossum
- Tolumnia
- Tolumnopsis
- Tolutonia
- Tomazanonia
- Tomoderara
- Tomzanonia
- Townsonia
- Trachoma
- Trachypetalum
- Traunsteinera
- Trautara
- Trevorara
- Trevoria
- Treyeranara
- Triaristella
- Trias
- Triaspetalum
- Triasphyllum
- Triceratorhynchus
- Trichachnis
- Trichassia
- Trichocenilus
- Trichocensiella
- Trichocentrum
- Trichoceros
- Trichochilus
- Trichocidiphyllum
- Trichocidium
- Trichocyrtocidium
- Trichodezia
- Trichoglottis
- Trichonopsis
- Trichopasia
- Trichopilia
- Trichopogon
- Trichopsis
- Trichorella
- Trichosalpinx
- Trichosma
- Trichostele
- Trichostylis
- Trichotosia
- Trichovanda
- Tricyrtochilum
- Tridactyle
- Trigolyca
- Trigonidium
- Trigonochilum
- Trilumna
- Triodoncidium
- Triotosiphon
- Triphora
- Trisetella
- Trisuloara
- Tritelandra
- Trizeuxis
- Trophianthus
- Tropidia
- Tropilis
- Trudelia
- Trudelianda
- Tsaiorchis
- Tsubotaara
- Tubaecum
- Tubecentron
- Tuberella
- Tuberolabium
- Tuberoparaptoceras
- Tubilabium
- Tuckerara
- Tunstillara
- Turnbowara
- Twuara
- Tylochilus
- Tylostigma
- Tylostylis
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