
Coelogyne-buennemeyeri-2022-07-17 *Site determined this to be Coelogyne testacea, not Coelogyne buennemeyeri (Sep 2022); there are at least four keels on the lip of this plant and C. buennemeyeri has only two keels without the mealy looking callus that is on the end of the midlobe; the number and placement of the keels is a better fit to C. testacea; this plant also resembles plants identified as C. sumatrana, which is considered a synonym for C. testacea; matches the description of the lip of C. testacea in Dudley Clayton's book, The Genus Coelogyne: A Synopsis.*

Judging Center: NEJC New Jersey

Award Number: 20224876

Award Date: July 16, 2022

Awarded As: Coelogyne buennemeyeri



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