
Dendrobium-crystallinum-2021-02-13***Confirmed as Dendrobium crystallinum (Feb 2021); matches photos in Vaddhanaphuti's "Wild Orchids of Thailand" (1997) and Lavarack et. al. "Dendrobium and its Relatives", as well as  the illustration in Seidenfaden's "Orchids of Thailand (1959); D. crystallinum was named for the crystalline  papillae on the column anther cap; this flower shows this characteristic feature when enlarged in the first photo; there is a photo of the flower and close up of the distinctive papillae in Wood's, "The Dendrobiums".***

Judging Center: CSNJC

Award Number: 20202267

Award Date: June 28, 2020

Awarded As: Dendrobium crystallinum

Plant was purchased from Wenqing Perner of Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology, in October 2017/



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