
Epidendrum-melistagum-2018-11-16***Confirmed as Epidendrum iang-rondonii (Feb 2020) with the aid of Dr. Eric Hagsater; Epi. iang-rondonii has the long, revolute mid-lobe and the radiating, thickened veins of the lip; matches description and line drawing and photo in IOSPE; determined not to be Epi. melistagum, which has an entire callus and lip.***

Judging Center: FNCJC

Award Number: 20183002

Award Date: October 26, 2018

Awarded As: Epidendrum melistagum

After we awarded this I happened to see a similar species posted on facebook (last photo) as a possible candidate (it shows the same folded lip) if the original name does not fit...



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